What are Handtied Extensions?
Handtied Hair Extensions is the hair that is used alongside an exclusive and intricate method of hair extensions application. Only the highest quality of hair is used with minimal points of contact for the least damaging and most comfortable feel.
How do I know if I am a good candidate for Extensions?
Extensions are ideal for women with hair that is at a minimum, shoulder length. Since extensions are completely customizable, filling out your own New Guest Extension form is the best way to get started on your thorough consultation. There, you will upload photos of your hair and provide more information so we can determine if you are a great fit.
What can I expect on my the first Extensions appointment?
Your hair is custom colored with the extensions to ensure a seamless blend. The hair extensions are then placed in rows in the hair by creating a track with a bead and string technique. The wefts are then placed on the track and sewn in. The extensions are then cut and blended to you hair to create a natural and beautiful look.
How much do Extensions cost?
Extension prices range from $800-2,000+
and vary in price depending your your specific needs ie: length desired, amount desired, condition of current hair and more.
What is included in my 1st appointment?
Your first appointment will include the highest quality of hair
Custom coloring of your own hair
Custom coloring on your extension hair
A customized cut to blend your hair seamlessly
Finished styling
How often will I need to come in?
Extensions need to be maintained approximately every 6-8 weeks.
How often will I need to get new hair?
Ideally the hair should be replaced every 6 months. Taking good care of your extensions can lengthen the life of your extensions.
Will I be able to put my hair in a ponytail with Extensions?
Yes, you can absolutely wear your hair in a ponytail with Extensions as well as other versatile styles